Choosing the Best Shoes for Disney World

Did you know that you will walk an average of 8-10 Miles a DAY at Disney World? That's over 20,000 steps! EVERY DAY! Proper foot care is a MUST on a Disney Trip, but what are the best options?

In this article, we will discuss some of our absolute FAVORITE shoes to wear to Disney, how to help with soreness, and give you a few things to avoid when it comes to choosing your footwear

Don’t forget to check out video on this topic!

Tennis Shoes

These are of course going to be the best option for most anyone as they are meant for walking! There are some things that you are going to want to look for when it comes to choosing your tennis shoes:

Make sure there is plenty of support. You don't want something that has no arch support or super thin soles. Everyone's feet are a little different, so know what is important to keep YOUR feet happy!


Get breathable material - Disney is HOT most of the year, and your feet will probably get a little sweaty, make sure that the material of your shoes is breathable and will let air in, and not hold in moisture


Some important things to remember when choosing sandals is to make sure that there is still plenty of cushion. You will still be walking all day and if the soles are super thin, you will be hurting later in the day

Also make sure that they will still be secure on your feet if you get wet! Flip flops are easy, sure, but if it's pouring rain, they don't like to stay on very well.

The flipside to this is to make sure that the straps will be comfortable for you. I love my chacos, but I don't like them for Disney. The sole is super comfy, but the straps tighten as I walk and start to cut off my circulation on my toes.... Not a great time.


Things to Avoid

Personally, as much as I love cute shoes and I want to feel cute in my Disney outfits, I know that after being in the parks all day, I will not be a happy camper in them.

That said, it doesn't hurt to have a pair of cute shoes for a nice evening or if you are going to wear them just for a couple of hours. Just be smart! Nothing is worse than getting blisters or super achy feet on day one that you have to fight on the rest of your trip

Don't just bring one pair of shoes. If a pair gets wet, you will for sure want a backup pair to dry your feet! You will also find that your feet hurt less if you rotate the types of shoes you wear. This helps avoid blisters since different shoes will rub on different spots on your feet.

If you do get sore feet…

Bring WATERPROOF Bandaids, these are THE BEST when it comes to saving your feet from Blisters. HERE are some of my favorites!

Bring a small vibrating massage ball - These are a lifesaver when it comes to soothing achy muscles, and bonus! You can use it on your back and legs too!

Think about taking Ibuprofen or some kind of pain reliever in the morning. Obviously, I am not a doctor, so you need to consult yours before taking any kind of medicine, but I have found that it helps me to get through the morning soreness until my feet warm up.

the biggest tip

Break in your shoes and WALK before your trip. A Lot. This is going to help you get used to how much you will be walking and it will get your feet used to your shoes so you hopefully won't get blisters on your trip.

Even walking just a couple extra miles a day will make all the difference! And besides, it's good for you to create a healthy new habit!

Foot care is super important on any vacation, especially such an active one! Be sure to be smart and make your feet happy! You will thank yourself later!


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