How to plan a budget friendly trip

Summer is here! Vaccines are here! It’s time for things to start going back to normal which means vacations.

The last year and a half have been really tough for everyone and especially financially for some. There are still things you can do to plan a fun and budget friendly trip that isn’t going to totally break the bank. Plus, you deserve some R&R!

  1. Pay up front when you can

This sounds a little weird, but often times you will book your hotel or other activities in advance and when you think you already paid, it can be a ‘surprise’ expense when you arrive at your destination.

Paying in advance ensures that you have it done and out of the way so that you can focus on the next steps in planning and enjoying your trip!


2. Decide what experiences are the MOST important to you

Of course it is tempting to want to try and do everything, especially when you’ve been cooped up for the past year! When you pick and choose the things that are the most important to you, you will be able to fully enjoy those experiences more rather than just trying to fit a ton of (sometimes expensive) things into your trip.

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If you are a foodie, make sure to create a specific budget for food. If a room with a view is a must have, make sure you plan to splurge a little on your room and find some activities you can do at your accommodations to make it worth it.

3. Track your spending

This sounds like something that isn’t the most fun while on your trip, but it’s a great way to make sure you are on track and not overspending each day. You will know exactly how much you have left for the trip so you don’t have to stress on guessing if you spent too much.

This can also be a great way to keep a journal of the best places you visited on your trip so that you can remember to recommend them to friends in the future!

4. Look for realistic deals

With things opening back up again, many travel related companies will be looking to offer deals, discounts, and more to encourage you to book them. As you’re planning, you may find that an airbnb may be a better deal than a hotel.

You may also find that a particular airline is waiving baggage fees for certain times. They want you to use their services, so don’t be afraid to do some digging!


5. Bring Snacks

You will be on the move a lot more while on your trip which means you are going to get hungry! It’s easy to grab food here and a coffee there, but those costs can add up!


Splurge on the really nice meals and pack some snacks to help get you through the rest of the day. That way you get to enjoy your meals more AND you are spending more money on a single granola bar at a local cafe than you would a whole box from your grocery store.

6. Consider off season

Summer is a huge time to travel! Especially this year with many things opening back up. Busy times of year can mean that prices are high. Look into pushing your trip to early in the fall so that you can still enjoy some great weather, but also some great prices as well! Plus, you’ll beat the brutal heat of mid summer!


Whatever your plans, make sure to make a plan, build a budget, and stick to it! It’s the best way to ensure you have a stress free vacation and not come back with a ton of debt!


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