The Absolute WORST Disney World Advice You’ll Get

If you are planning a Disney Trip or you have ever planned one in the past, you have probably heard LOADS of tips and advice from your friends and family who have visited in the past. Unfortunately, not all advice is good advice.

We are going to dive a little deeper into some of the worst advice that people can give and why you should take it with a grain of salt. Be on the lookout for some ways to better navigate this advice so that it works for you and your family.

#1 Wait to go until your kids will remember it

Nothing makes me more sad than hearing someone say that Disney isn’t worth it with little kids. It simply isn’t true! There are so many things that are great for little kids to do and still have a ton of fun! There are even still plenty of rides you can do with your child and Disney has a great program called rider swap so that you can even still go on some of the bigger rides! (more on that later)

Plus children under three years old can do most things for free! That means you will actually save waaaay more money on park tickets and such if you choose to bring your toddler and even if they don’t fully remember it, YOU will and that’s what’s really important!

If you are itching to go, don’t let the age of your child hold you back. No matter when you go, you will create some truly magical memories you will never forget!

For even more of the WORST Tips you’ll get, Check out our video:

#2 You HAVE to rope drop

So this is actually advice that we give quite a bit, but it always comes with a caveat. If you are not a morning person, you will probably be miserable waking up BEFORE the crack of dawn to head to the parks and cram in a bunch of rides before the crowds.

I’m not going to lie, it is a really great option to enjoy the parks before the swarms of crowds arrive and you can most definitely sneak a few rides in, but honestly, you have the entire day, so if you miss an hour or so, it isn’t going to ruin your day. (but sleep deprivation just might)

If you do want to take advantage of rope drop, make it a priority to take a midday break for a nap or relaxing afternoon by the pool. The last thing you want to do is completely wear yourselves out on day one. You are on vacation after all! It should be relaxing!

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#3 You have to stay on property

Disney owned hotels are absolutely top notch and come with many great benefits, but that doesn’t always mean it will be the best option for your trip. If you have a large family, you may have a better time with getting a rental home with lots more space for everyone to spread out and it can sometimes even be a cheaper option than booking multiple hotel rooms where you can’t all be together as a group.

It may also not be the best option if Disney is only part of your trip. If you are wanting to spend time at other Orlando theme park or attractions, you may want to consider accommodations with a little better location.


Are the Disney resorts magical? Of course! But your trip will not be any less magical if you stay off property. Besides, you can always visit any of the resorts to dine, shop, or just take a look around, even if you are not staying there! (Keep in mind, you cannot use a pool for a resort you are not staying at)

#4 Skip a Ride if not everyone wants to ride it

We had some experience with this on our last trip when I was with my husband and brother. The boys are definitely waaaay more into thrill rides than I am, so Tower of Terror and Mission Space are a few that I just can’t stomach. Don’t be afraid to split up!


While the boys rode their ride, I enjoyed a nice relaxing snack and poked around in the gift shops while I waited and I still had a fun time!

If you have little ones who are not tall enough for a ride, don’t worry! Disney’s rider swap program is really awesome so that you only have to wait in line once. You will inform a cast member that you are doing rider swap and they will give you instructions on where to enter (usually the fastpass line) whenever you switch out. One parent can do the attraction while the other hangs out with the child and again, maybe enjoys a snack or some shopping while you wait.

#5 Skip a park because of xyz

Let’s be real here, every Disney park is completely different and is going to appeal to people completely differently because of enormous amount of reasons. This doesn’t mean your opinion isn’t valid, but it doesn’t mean someone else is going to feel the same either.

I get asked this question alot on which parks someone should do and I always have to say that it depends on what is important to you. My husband and I are HUGE and I mean HUGE foodies! Because of that, we absolutely HAVE to go to Epcot on our trips because there is always so much to try with the Food Festivals. However, I am not going to tell someone that they have to go there if they are not big foodies, but they also may enjoy it because of the different cultures, or some of the great rides!

Everyone is going to love different things about each park, so if you are trying to decide which parks are best for you and your family, decide first what is most important. (PS. Hollywood Studios has some of the best thrill rides, but Magic Kingdom has the most rides)


Whatever the advice someone gives you, always keep in mind what is going to make YOUR vacation the most enjoyable and magical for YOU and your family. No matter what, you will have a great time and remember to go create some magical memories!


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