Things To Do While Waiting In Line At Disney

Let’s be honest… Disney is CROWDED! Even during the ‘not busy’ times of year, you are still going to be waiting in a few lines. But that doesn’t mean that waiting in line can’t still be fun! These are a few things you can do to continue making memories even during the not so fun parts of your trip!

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Play a game

Several of the queues have interactive features to help you pass the time, but if there aren’t, you can still have some entertainment! Download the Play Disney Parks app on your smartphone and participate in some of the interactive activities that are specific to the location or ride you are in.

You can also download a ‘heads up’ type game which is kind of like a Catch Phrase/Charades type game that you can play with your whole group! You would be surprised how quickly the line goes!


Mobile Order

If you are getting close to meal time, instead of wasting time at the restaurant, get everyone’s order placed while you are in a ride line! Then when you are done, you can head to your dining location and enjoy your meal even faster!

This is especially helpful if you have a larger group as it can take a hot minute to let everyone look through the menu. Just make sure you schedule your time far enough out that you will be finished with your ride.


Check wait times

Speaking of being proactive and not wasting your time, take it as a chance to figure out your game plan of where you want to go next! You can check current wait times and see the park map on the MyDisney Experience app.

It’s a good idea to continue checking the ride times throughout the day so that you can take advantage of short lines whenever you can to maximize your Disney experience!



Drinking water is super important, especially when it is hot and you are moving around alot. Take this time to be intentional and drink some water. You may even find that some ride queues have water bottle fill stations and drinking fountains!

Pro tip: Don’t forget that you can get free cups of Ice Water at any quick service location selling drinks!


Have Patience

I know, waiting in line isn’t the most fun thing ever, but it doesn’t have to be miserable! Just remember, there are thousands of people who are also trying to enjoy their vacations and you want to make sure you are adding to the magic and not taking anyone else’s enjoyment away. Be kind and a try not to focus on the negative!


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