Why Not You?

Why can't you have the home of your dreams, the job of your dreams, or even the life of your dreams?

Many people feel like their dreams and goals are unattainable and much of that is because they feel like they don't deserve it and simply speak negatively over them.

A few year ago, we were sitting in a church service and our pastor was teaching about being expectant for good things to come. He brought up the phrase "Why Not You?" and this really intrigued us.

The idea behind it is that

you were created for a purpose and you were created to be blessed, so why shouldn't you have the desires of your heart? 

That is what God desires for you.

The biggest thing that is stopping us is feeling like we don't deserve to have or reach those desires. You aren't good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, rich enough, famous enough, etc.


It is that exact mindset that halts anything good from happening in your life. Sure, you may get lucky, but if you feel like you don't deserve it, then why would you spend the effort to try and make those dreams a reality?

Why Not You means exactly that! Why Not? If it can happen to one person, surely it can happen to me!

How do we start to implement this in our life?

The first thing to do is to create your vision, goals, and dreams board - or your "Why Not You?" Board as we like to call it.

Make a list of everything you hope to accomplish or have happen in your life. It can be big, small, serious, silly, personal, long term, or short term. The biggest thing is that none of your dreams are silly dreams.

Make it Visual


You can always have this list written in a journal, but for it to really start making an impact, have it somewhere visual that you see everyday. This will help you to not only stay accountable, but will also show you just how far you have come when you do accomplish those goals!

We have goals on our board that we NEVER Thought would have come to fruition, but they did in ways that we never expected and we are more abundantly blessed by than we could have dreamed.

Commemorate Meeting Your Goals!


We like to commemorate each accomplished goal with a small memento taped to our board. For example, Disney World was a big one and we put our Annual Passes on our board to show that goal being met. We also dreamed for job opportunities to open up, so when Mark Alan got his new position, we put his new business card on our board.

There are tons of ways to do it! You can even post photos, small written notes, or anything else you can think of! Every time you look at your board you will feel proud of what has happened in your life and will encourage you to push yourself and Dream BIG!


This is just the starting place.

Now you actually need to come up with a plan to accomplish them! Check out our video on how to create a step by step plan to achieve your goals.


How to Create Goals You Will Actually Achieve in 2020


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