How to Create Goals You Will Actually Achieve in 2020

Goals can often feel overwhelming and unattainable, especially if you don't take the time to properly set measurable goals, we want to help set you up for success to reach your goals. Let talk about how YOU CAN make goals that you WILL achieve this year!

Check out our video on this topic:

Let's start at square one and talk about how we set our goals to not only be realistic, but also measurable so that we can push ourselves to achieve more than we though possible.

Later, we'll talk about how to keep yourself accountable in your goals throughout the year, so lets get started!

First things first, you need to create your dream board!

If you want to know how to do that, check out our video where we talk about dreaming BIG and saying "Why Not You?"

Don't be afraid to have big dreams on your list. No one is asking you to achieve those today, but it's good to have somewhere that you want to push yourself to be!

Once you have that list, start with your top 3-5 goals.

These are the ones that we want to focus on.

We typically like to have goals for one year, three years, and 5 years in the future so that we can really see how we will get there. You can do any increment of time that you choose, but the biggest tip is to take a goal and say "when do I want to achieve this by"



It's fine to say things like, "i want to retire early" or "I want to travel somewhere exotic", but you need to specify what exactly you want to achieve. This means working out how much you would need to have saved up in order to retire, or your list of where exactly you want to go.

And of course,

you need to have a timeline or deadline of when you want to achieve these goals.

A better goal would be, " I want to retire by the age of 40 with $500,000 in savings" or "I want to travel to 10 Countries by the time I am 35" - these are measurable and tangible goals that we can begin to break down into baby steps to get there.

Now that you have your specific goal, let's

break it down

What kinds of numbers do you need to see each year, month, week, or day to hit that number at the end?

Here's an example. We want to make 100 videos in 2021. This means that we need to make about 8 videos a month and 2 videos per week.

Sweet! That's something that we can keep track of as time goes on! Granted, we know that weeks and months will vary, but this is at least a good baseline to make sure that we are staying on track to meet our goal.


Now that the number side is done, you have to decide how you are going to achieve those numbers!

Let's say your goal is to loose 20 pounds this year and you figured out that you want to loose about 1/2 a pound a week to achieve this. How are you going to do this? You could say you will work out at least 3 days a week and make sure to include green veggies with at least 1 meal a day.

You can add much more to this and be as detailed as you want, but be sure that the goals you set are something that you can actually see yourself doing on a daily basis. It may not be realistic for you to work out 7 days a week and eat no sugar, and have veggies for every meal and drink a gallon of water day. And maybe that is something that is realistic for you (more power to you!)


Now we know where we're going and we have a plan to get there! It's the new year and excitement is high, so it's easy to keep up with these goals at first. But how to we stay motivated and accountable 3, 6 and 12 months from now?

You HAVE to get these goals out in front of you!

Something visual that you will see every day. That can be a poster on your wall, a note on your bathroom mirror, or even a wallpaper on your phone.

Having these things in front of you will help you to remember what you are working towards.


When you accomplish a goal or milestone, treat yourself. Maybe it's getting a special treat, a self care day, a trip, or simply a sticker on a milestone chart!


Whatever it is, find something that will keep you excited throughout the weeks and years, you deserve it!

Something to keep in mind is that

you won't always hit your goals.

If 2020 taught us anything, it's that you never know what will happen in life.


The best you can do is not think of yourself as a failure and instead

look back at the things you DID accomplish

So maybe you didn't loose all 20 pounds, but maybe you DID loose 10 and you created a healthier lifestyle. That is something to be really proud of!

Success doesn't mean reaching your goals every single time, but it does mean continuing to improve yourself and to work hard for the things that you want.

Following these steps is simply a guide to help you along the way and to hopefully achieve more!

You are amazing and you will do amazing things!

You just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other!


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Why Not You?